Go Back (to the country)

Go Back (to the country): de titel spreekt voor zich. Het liedje vond zijn oorsprong achterin de bus van Diftong – de Vintage Van – terwijl we ’s avonds op de terugweg van een randstedelijk optreden het feërieke Diemen Noord passeerden. Ontsteld door de lelijkheid van de eeuwige bouwput aldaar verlangde ik hevig naar de rust, ruimte en frisse lucht van het platteland van Ede. Poëtische contrasten waren snel gevonden en het nummer kwam snel tot stand.

In een andere versie dan op de plaat was Go Back ook ons eerste echte hoogtepunt in de Serious Request traditie: het nummer was 23 dec 2014 Demo van de Dag en werd gedraaid op 3FM en 101TV. Lees hier meer.

Luister dit nummer op Spotify of Youtube:

Words & music by Jeewee Donkers

I‘ve been working the city
Playing every night
Some of the women were pretty
But no comfort was in sight

Time seems to pass much faster
As if it just can’t stand the heat
Nothing seems to last here
Except the noise and the concrete

When the colours get too much
And the commercials drive me nuts
When the bright lights start to get into my way
When I start to lose it all
Feeling trapped between the walls
I’m gonna drive on ‘til I see the break of day

Cos I need to go back to the country
I need to go back where I belong
Go back to the country
Where my perspective can be fitted in a song

In the middle of the meadows
I can sit all day
Feel the space around me
And peace of mind coming my way

Where the colours aren’t dictated
By the fancy magazines
They’re changing on the rhythm of the trees
Where the owls in their flight
Replace the sirens in the night
And I feel the grass underneath my feet

So I need to go back to the country
I need to go back where I belong
Go back to the country
Where my perspective can be fitted in a song

To be a secret witness
Of the silent rendezvous
Of the forest mist and the break of day
To catch up with an old friend
And pick up where we left
And feel just like we never parted ways

I need to go back to the country
I need to go back where I belong
Go back to the country
Where my perspective can be fitted in a song

JeeWee Donkers: vocals, guitars & whistling
Peter Holen: Wurlitzer piano, Moog synth & whistling
Miriam Strous: harmony vocals
Ronald Voskens: drums
Rob Weenink: bass
Hans Willers: banjo

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