
“Geboren in Eindhoven liet ik die stad achter me toen ik ging studeren. Ik had het helemaal gehad met Brabant. Totdat ik een keer op een bruiloft moest spelen in Nederwetten en bij Son linksaf sloeg naar het dorp. Rijdend over de typische klinkerwegen daar werd ik getroffen door een gevoel van thuis zijn.” JeeWee Donkers

“I was born in the Dutch city of Eindhoven, but I couldn’t wait to leave it behind me when I went off to college. I felt stifled by the whole region: the same old buildings, the same old economy, the same old rivers and streams I’d grown up with. I felt pulled to explore the bigger world. But after several years away, one day I returned to play at a wedding near my hometown. I turned a corner and all at once found myself driving over those same cobblestone roads I’d biked when I was a kid. Suddenly I was hit with that familiar feeling: I was home.” -JeeWee Donkers

Luister Roots op Spotify of Youtube:

Roots – words by JeeWee Donkers, music by Live Poets Society

Driving down these cobbled roads
Like I did when I was younger
With every corner, every bend
The connection’s getting stronger

Every village, every tree
Seems they’ve been waiting here for me
The slowly dimming light
The scent of summer nights
I remember…

I have been so blind
To this place I left behind

I am starting to get it now
‘Cause I lost it somehow
I’ve been away too long
But my feeling’s strong
This place is right where I belong

Memories I thought were long forgotten
Line up one by one along these roads
The people and the places
The pieces and the traces of my youth

I have been so blind
To everyone I left behind

I am starting to get it now
‘Cause I lost it somehow
I’ve been away too long
But my feeling’s strong
This place is right where I belong

I’ve been roaming everywhere
But my roots are planted here

I finally get it now
‘Cause I lost it somehow
Admit that I was wrong
This is where I belong
I’ve been away too long
But my feeling’s strong
This place is right where I belong

JeeWee Donkers – vocals & guitars
Peter Holen – keyboards
Ronald Voskens – drums
Martin Duarte Favaro – bass

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