I Need You

“I Need You is een klein pareltje dat in not time uit mijn gitaar kwam rollen op het balkon in Sitges, tijdens de opnames van The Road Ahead. Het is opgedragen aan iedereen die zijn of haar liefde niet kan uitspreken, omdat het risico dat dan alles stuk gaat te groot is.

Het moeilijkste aan dit liedje is om er niet ‘soooo baaaad’ achteraan te zingen met een geknepen Bob Dylan stemmetje.” JeeWee Donkers

“I Need You” is a small gem that came out of my guitar in no time on a balcony in Sitges during the recording sessions of The Road Ahead in november 2014. It is dedicated to anyone who cannot express his or her love because the risk of losing everything is too great.

The hardest part of this song is not to sing “soooo baaaad” in a pinched Bob Dylan voice.” -JeeWee Donkers

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I Need You – words by JeeWee Donkers, music by Live Poets Society

I need you
You don’t know how much I need to
Feel the nearness of your body
Close to mine

I want you
You don’t know how much I want to
Feel the softness of your fingers
On my skin

I’m afraid to lose you
When I tell you that I need you
How much I want you
To be mine

I’m so afraid to lose you
When you see how much I want you
How much I need you
To stay mine

I need you
You don’t know how much I need to
Feel the sweetness of your lips
Touching mine

I’m afraid to lose you
When you see how much I want you
I can’t tell how much I need you
To be mine

I’m so afraid to lose you
When you see how much I want you
But I can’t live without you
So please be mine

I need you
You don’t know how much I need to
Feel the touch of your hand
In mine


JeeWee Donkers – vocal & guitar
Peter Holen – keyboards
Ronald Voskens – drums
Martin Duarte Favaro – bass

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