First Song of Spring

First Song of Spring is als een uitgestoken hand. Ik zie dat je in de shit zit, maar je zit nog te diep om ueberhaupt mijn hand te zien.
De subtiele edoch sublieme Rhodes akkoorden van Peter zijn een hommage aan Paul Simon’s album “Negotiations and Lovesongs”

First Song of Spring is an outstretched hand: you’re so deep in an emotional abyss that you can’t yet feel my hand reaching for you. But I’m here.
The subtle yet sublime Rhodes chords by Peter are an homage to Paul Simon’s album “Negotiations and Lovesongs”. 

Luister dit nummer op Spotify of Youtube:

First Song of Spring – words by JeeWee Donkers, music by Live Poets Society

I know you haven’t been well
Hiding your face in your pillow
I know you’ve lain low for a while
Your senses blinded by sorrow

I see the clouds in your eyes
I know they’re blurring your vision
Searching for light in the night
An easy way out of your prison

I’ll be there for you if you let me
I’ve been there all along
I will lift you up if you’re weary
I’ll try to make right what is wrong

Open your eyes, let me in
And look for the first signs of spring

We’ll find a way through the maze
If you let me be your guide
I’ll help you see through the haze
Just stay close by my side

I’ll be there for you if you let me
I’ve been there all along
I will lift you up when you’re ready
I’ll try to make right what is wrong

Open your heart, let me in
And listen for the first song of spring


JeeWee Donkers – vocal & guitar
Peter Holen – keyboards
Ronald Voskens – drums
Martin Duarte Favaro – bass

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