Who Do You Think You’re Fooling?

Dit liedje markeert een keerpunt in het album, omdat het de eerste slijtplekken op de bezongen relatie laat zien. De verteller bemerkt een veransering in de interesse en waardering van zijn partner en vraagt zich af wat er in vredesnaam aan de hand is. Hij stelt zijn partner dan ook de vraag of hij/zij zich wel realiseert wat er op het spel staat. Het stuk is doorspekt met een gevoel van verwarring en wanhoop, vanwege het knagende gebrek aan controle over de situatie.

De energie en kleur van het stuk komen rechtstreeks uit de mineur blues. Er circuleren een paar verschillende versies, de ene meer elektrisch, de andere meer akoestisch. Deze finale versie pakt zowel de elektrische energie als de akoestisch ambiance van eerdere stukken op de plaat. Een belangrijke rol is er voor het hammond orgel, dat met verschillende timbres de sfeer achter de gitaren maakt. En nee, de sologitaar is geen telecaster. Dit is wat een Bigsby met een ouwe dikke Ibanez hollow body doet.

Luister dit nummer op Spotify of Youtube:

This song marks an important turn in the album, as it shows the first signs of wear and tear on the relationship. The storyteller senses a shift in attention and appreciation from his partner and wonders what the heck is going on, and whether the partner realizes what he/she is putting at stake here. There’s a hint of confusion and desperation, all related to the storyteller’s gnawing lack of control over the situation.

The energy and colour of the song is mainly based on an electric minor blues feel. There have been a couple of versions out there, more acoustic, more electric. This final mix seems to capture the raw electric energy as well as more of the acoustic flavour of the earlier songs on the album. There’s an important role for the Hammond organ here, creating the atmosphere behind the guitars. And no, the electric guitar solo is not played on a telecaster. This is what a Bigsby vibrato does to an early eighties hollow body Ibanez.

Back to Square One (Album pagina)



We go way back together
A couple now for years
Together we’ve shared happiness
And sure enough some tears
We can fall back on each other
For richer and for poor
But lately I got this feeling
You don’t want me anymore

You’re going out for no good reason
And stay away all night
It seems like you don’t want to be here
And that just don’t feel right

Who do you think you’re fooling
When you’re heading for the door?
Who do you think you’re fooling
Don’t you want me anymore?

You tell me that you’re missing something
You say you feel uneasy
But darling I can give you anything,
So I’m asking, please…

Don’t go out for no good reason
And stay away all night
Just see my eyes, just feel my arms
I can make you feel all right

Who do you think you’re fooling
When you’re heading for the door?
Who do you think you’re fooling
Don’t you love me anymore?
Who do you think you’re fooling?
Just look at what we had
Who do you think you’re fooling?
Don’t you leave me just like that

If you leave me now for no good reason
It’s not just me you leave behind
Memories we made together
Will be haunting on your mind

(So tell me) Who do you think you’re fooling
When you’re heading for the door?
Who do you think you’re fooling
Don’t you want me anymore?
Who do you think you’re fooling?
Just look at what we had
Who do you think you’re fooling?
Don’t you leave me just like that
(Just like that)



Music & lyrics by JeeWee Donkers

JeeWee Donkers: vocals, acoustic & electric guitars
Peter Holen: keyboards
Rob Weenink: bass guitar
Frank Schuuring: drums


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