Sucker for Your Smile

Dit liedje is oorspronkelijk geïnspireerd door mijn oudste dochter Emma. Op driejarige leeftijd kwam ze breed lachend op me af en zei: “Papa ik ben geliefd op jou mag ik een koekje?” (inderdaad: geen interpunctie). Uiteraard kreeg ze haar koekje nadat ik was uitgelachen, maar ik realiseerde me wel dat ik altijd als een blok voor haar lach zou vallen.
“Sucker” is een klein drieluik over dat thema: alles over hebben voor die lach – of het geluk – van die speciale vrouwen in je leven: vriendinnen, vrouwen, dochters. De allereerste verovering, de troost als het haar tegenzit en het bij elkaar blijven ook als de buitenwereld dwars ligt.

Luister dit nummer op Spotify of Youtube:

This song was originally inspired by my oldest daughter Emma at age 3. She looked at me with a big smile on her face and said “Daddy I’m in loving you can I have a cookie?” (note the absence of any interpunction whatsoever). Of course she got the cookie after I got up after rolling on the floor laughing, leaving me pondering the concept that I was such a sucker for her smile. Always was, always will be, probably.
“Sucker” is a small triptych about that theme: doing anything just for the smile – or the happiness – of those special women in your life: girlfriends, wives and daughters. Conquering in the beginning, comforting her when she’s sad, and staying together despite disapproval of the outside world.

Back to Square One (Album pagina)


You haunt me since I laid my eyes on you
You’re in my mind with everything I do
I don’t eat or drink, just fantasize
Looking into your big brown eyes

You fill my days you’re in my dreams at night
And being around you makes me feel so right
My darkest visions they escape me
When you just turn around and face me

No matter what they tell me
No matter what they do or say
I’m rendered speechless by your spirit and style
I’m a sucker for your smile

It seems the world has turned its back on you
And there’s a curse on everything you do
Just come on here into my arms
When you’re cold I’ll keep you warm

No matter what they name you
No matter what they do or say
I want to make you happy – if only for a while
I’m a sucker for your smile

The world outside may often disagree
But we are soul mates for eternity
No matter rain or heavy weather
We’re just bound to stick together

No matter what they tell you
No matter what they do or say
The world may treat us bad but it’s all worthwhile
I’m a sucker for your smile


Music & lyrics by JeeWee Donkers

JeeWee Donkers: vocals, acoustic & electric guitars
Peter Holen: keys
Rob Weenink: bass guitar
Frank Schuuring: drums

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