Right By Your Side

Dit nummer heb ik ooit geschreven voor een bruiloft van vrienden van onze toenmalige drummer Frank. Deze vrienden trouwden in het Zeeuwse kerkje in het Openluchtmuseum in Arnhem, en de bruid wilde een romantisch lied voor als het paar de kerk zou binnen komen, als verrassing voor de bruidegom. Ze vroeg of ik het meest romantische lied kon spelen dat ik kende. Mijn antwoord was dat ik dat nog moest schrijven. En zo geschiedde, ik schreef Right by Your Side.

Het is een redelijk recht-door-zee liefdesliedje. Het is het eerste stuk waarin de dobro een belangrijke rol speelt, en dat was een uitdaging gezien de hele berg mineur akkoorden en de majeur stemming van het instrument. In de eindsequentie pak ik mijn Jerry Douglas momentje, solo’s wisselend met pianist Peter Holen.

Luister dit nummer op Spotify of Youtube:

This song was written some time ago for the wedding of drummer Frank’s friends. They married in the “Zeeuwse kerkje” in the Open Air Museum in Arnhem, and the bride asked me to play guitar and maybe sing a bit when the couple were to enter the church. She asked if I could play the most romantic song I knew. I answered that I still had to write that song, and that was the origin of Right By Your Side.

It’s a pretty straightforward and reassuring love song. It’s the first of my songs to feature a dobro, which was quite a challenge because of the vast amount of minor chords, to be played in a major open tuning. In the end cadenza I have my little Jerry Douglas moment, trading fours with keyboardist Peter Holen on the piano.

Back to Square One (Album pagina)


I remember the times that I was wandering
Looking to find myself a home
I often laid awake and wondering
Whether I’d spend my life alone

Always on the lookout for what could not be found
I was running in circles, there was no way out
All years spent waiting for you to come ‘round

I never felt complete
‘til the day you came along
‘Cause right by your side is where I belong.

I remember, the minute I met you
Like we were together for so long
Eyes, so familiar and yet so new
A deep connection that’s so strong

Gone are the grey skies, wiped away the clouds
We’re walking hand in hand, I want to shout it out loud
It’s been worth the waiting for you to come ‘round

I never felt lonely
Since the day you came along
Right by your side is where I belong.

Now and then I get a shiver
When I realize how lucky I am
I’m so happy that I found you
I’ll never leave you, I’m your man

‘Cause I never felt lonely
Since the day you came along
Right by your side is where I belong.

You make me whole
And you make me strong
Right by your side is where I belong.


Music & lyrics by JeeWee Donkers

JeeWee Donkers: vocals, acoustic guitar, dobro
Peter Holen: keyboard
Rob Weenink: bass guitar
Frank Schuuring: drums


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