Out Here In The Cold

De kogel is door de kerk. De relatie die ooit een veilige en warme haven was is geëxplodeerd toen uitkwam dat de partner vreemd ging. In volkomen ontreddering is de verteller achtergebleven, zichzelf afvragend wat er in godsnaam is misgegaan en waarom hij het nooit heeft gevoeld of zien aankomen. Het zwarte gat is evident en onontkoombaar. Nakend in de kou.

Scheidingen zijn altijd onaangenaam. Ik heb er een paar van dichtbij meegemaakt en ik heb ze in verschillende liedjes vanuit diverse perspectieven proberen te beschrijven, aan beide kanten van goed en kwaad. Sommige zie je van verre aankomen, andere komen als een donderslag bij heldere hemel of zijn een geschenk uit de hemel.

Muzikaal een riff gebaseerde blues in drop-D. De stemming van de akoestische gitaar haalt alle power uit het instrument naar boven, en dat komt de zeggingskracht van het liedje alleen maar ten goede. Ook hier Peter en Rob op achtergrondvocalen.

Luister dit nummer op Spotify of Youtube:

It’s done. Over. Finished. The relationship that once was a safe and warm haven has exploded when he found out she was cheating on him. In a state of total disorder, the storyteller’s life has come to a halt, while he’s wondering what the hell went wrong and why he never saw anything coming. The black hole is evident and inevitable. Left naked in the cold.

Divorces and separations are always unpleasant. I have witnessed a couple from nearby and I have tried to describe them from various points of view, both sides of wrong and right. Some can be seen coming from a distance, some come as enormous surprises, others are a god’s gift.

Musically this is a riff-based blues in drop-D. The tuning brings out the raw power of the acoustic guitar and therefore adds to the strength of the song. Again Peter and Rob on backing vocals.

Back to Square One (Album pagina)



I wonder if you’re doing well
Without me
It’s funny I could never tell
You were cheating on me

I didn’t hear no alarm bells
Never had a doubt
Now you’re gonna put me through hell
‘Cause I figured out that you left me

Out here in the cold, Trying to figure out what I did wrong
Out here in the cold, You played me for a fool for so long
Out here in the cold

I always thought you loved me
Only me (just me)
But you weren’t thinking of me
And I didn’t see (didn’t see at all)

While I was busy working
You were living it up
And I didn’t see it coming
You were gonna give me up, but you left me

Out here in the cold, Trying to figure out what I did wrong
Out here in the cold, You played me for a fool for so long
Out here in the cold

And I don’t know what hurts me more
That you’re cheating on me
Or that I didn’t see it coming
And I don’t know where I can go
To rest my weary head
You took away the place that I belong

Out here in the cold, Trying to figure out what I did wrong
Out here in the cold, You played me for a fool for so long
Out here in the cold, You took away the place that I belong
Out here in the cold, Trying to figure out what I did wrong
Out here in the cold



Music & lyrics by JeeWee Donkers

JeeWee Donkers: vocals, acoustic guitar & mandolin
Peter Holen: keyboards & vocals
Rob Weenink: bass guitar & vocals
Frank Schuuring: drums


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